In the spirit of keeping things simple, we’ve placed a few shortcuts and helps around our apps to make your work even easier.
Even seasoned JobNimbus users can get into a rhythm and sometimes don’t get the most out of the experience.
Without further adieu, here are 6 tricks you can start using today:
1 .The Action Menu is a menu of actions
Indeed, one of the most prevalent icons in the whole app is that familiar gear. It shows up on all details pages and over just about everything you mouse over, and it’s the home of every action you can do within JobNimbus for a particular item.
While this action menu let’s you do anything on a contact, job, or task, a lot of users go elsewhere to perform those actions.
And that makes sense. If you want to create an Estimate, most users think to go to the Contact, then the Financials tab, and then use the “Add Estimate” button on the Estimates grid.
But there’s a much faster way.
Just open the Action Menu on the contact and click “Add Estimate”. You save yourself a couple clicks and some page loads, all the while getting to the same page.
2 .The Action Menu is on Search Items
Being at the top of the app, the search bar is one of the most used pieces of JobNimbus, and that’s a great thing. JobNimbus’ global search finds anything you have in JobNimbus and prioritizes it by date updated so the most relevant results show up first.
But while most people use search to find things, they usually click on the result which takes them right to the contact.
What they don’t see is that, if you place your mouse over the search result, you get that familiar action menu (gear icon). Clicking on that gives you all the same controls that you’d find inside of your
3. We Auto-Fill your Tasks/Jobs if you create them from Contacts
Another thing that’s frequently used because of its permanent position at the top of JobNimbus are the buttons for adding a contact (and job) and task. Being in such a prominent position, it commands attention and allows a convenient way to get some basic work done.
But what some users don’t know is, when you’re creating a job or a task, the best way to do it is directly from the contact using that contact’s action menu. That’s because this allows JobNimbus to know the contact this item should be associated to and let’s JobNimbus fill in as much information as it can, saving you time and hassle.
For a task, that might only mean setting the Linked (Related) Contact and/or Job. But for Jobs, that means filling in the Job Name, Job Address, Lead Source, Tags, and Description.
Now that’s a bevy of things you don’t have to worry about transferring over the next time you create a job. Just remember to use the Action Menu from the contact and you’re gold.
4. We also auto-fill when using Task Types
Similar to creating a task or job from a contact, having your Task Types created and in order not only helps you with segmenting your tasks, but it can also help auto fill Task Names and Descriptions.
This, in conjunction with the point above, means you just need to set a due date and assignee in order to save the task and keep rolling on something else.
Task Types are also a huge help on JobNimbus’ brand new calendar, where you’re able to show and hide different combinations of Task Types to set the calendar exactly how you need to see it.
Head on over to your Settings and find the Task Types tab to get started.
5. Tags can be surprisingly helpful
Tags aren’t hidden, but they certainly can be considered under-utilized and under-valued. Really, tags can be a powerful feature for segmenting your contacts, categorizing your jobs, localizing work, and zeroing in on details you wouldn’t normally have recorded.
You can add tags to Contacts and Jobs, allowing you to segment different ways on each, if you have Jobs enabled on your account.
Tags are easy to start using and even easier to use after that. Just type in the Tags section and a dialog will come up to save that tag. Then just type another and save. Once you save the Contact (or Job), these tags will be added so the next time you start typing the name of a tag, you’ll get suggestions to click on and insert for you.
A couple of the best uses for tags I’ve ever seen are:
a. Trades/Job Types. Sometimes
b. Neighborhoods. What better way to figure out where your leads are coming from and find more potential leads near an appointment then by separating by neighborhood? Just add the neighborhoods to your tags and then run reports.
6. We offer a lot of help / documentation / feedback
At JobNimbus, we know that you need to be focused on your job, not on learning how to use JobNimbus. That’s why we’ve provided several help resources (and are adding more all the time!) to help you learn your way around and get comfortable with using JobNimbus day in and day out.
Right from the web app, you’ve got a question mark icon (?) at the top right next to your username. Clicking it will open up a popup where you’ll be able to see documentation about just about every feature in JobNimbus.
At the bottom left, you’ll see a yellow (though commonly overlooked) Feedback button. This is not only where you can submit some support tickets on issues you’re having, but you can also view, vote on, and submit feature requests for things you’d like to see built out. JobNimbus is built on customer feedback, so your voice is extremely important to the future of JobNimbus going forward. Please vote!
Finally, in addition to the help you can get via the Feedback button, we’re also here for you at or by calling our number. One of our expert support staff will be able to assist you to make sure you’re all set and good to go.
Special Note: We’re currently working on a full featured Training Portal that includes advanced documentation, video tutorials, setup instructions, tips & tricks. We will be announcing this when it becomes available so you can get your whole team educated on how to use JobNimbus most effectively.
These are just a few things that can help your day-to-day in JobNimbus be a lot more pleasant, a little more rewarding, and a whole heck load more efficient. But this isn’t everything.
There is a lot more to discuss, and we’ve got a bunch more improvements coming down the pipeline that will take both the web and the mobile apps to the max. You’re going to love them.
What other tricks have you found that have sped up your workflow or have saved you some time? Share your tips in the comments section!